Image Thomas


Spiritual experience of French disciple


Paris (France)

My first experience at the Jodhpur Ashram was very interesting. Instantaneously people helped me to understand.

  • A disciple of Gurudev translated everything for me and introduced me to the organization.

  • I had heard about the power of Gurudev just a day before and I was very interested to know the role of the 'chakra's in spirituality. At that moment I had pain in my chest, due to indigestion.

When we started meditation, I was concentrating on the mantra, then something happened. My body became warm and I felt a bit better. The meeting with Gurudev also was very interesting.
  • You stop to talk, you stop to move, you stop to think.... You know you are in front of a special person, an enlightened person.

  • People had told me before, “Thomas you will experience it yourself'. Now I know how special it is to come here and to experience the spiritual power.

  • I have to say thank you for your warm welcome, thank you for your smiles. A very big thank you for sharing the experience this way with beginners like me. Now my chest feels better and this day will stay in my memory forever.
