Image Santosh Kumar

Santosh Kumar

Feel of Guru’s grace while living in Hungary


S/O Hansmukh Bhai Vasava, Hungary (Europe)

I am Santosh Kumar Vasava, son of Mr. Hansukh Bhai Vadodara (Gujarat). I live in the European country, Hungary for the last several years.

  • There I have a business of physiotherapy. I was experiencing some problems lately.

  • Mental stress was always there. I got surrounded by crises in every way. When I told my father about it in 2015, he told me about Gurudev.

He said that people have told him that Gurudev Siyag's meditation solves all the problems.
  • Accordingly, I watched videos of Gurudev on YouTube and then called the Jodhpur Ashram and took all the information.

  • When I started meditating on Gurudev, I experienced immense peace.

  • Now I am chanting and meditating regularly. I am very relieved.
